The American educational system isn’t perfect, and there are many reasons for that. For one, it focuses too much on grades and test scores, which can create a negative image for students. In addition, GPAs don’t measure intelligence or ability to learn. This makes it harder for young people to remain motivated to go to school. Additionally, standardized testing can rob students of their creative potential.
Despite this, some critics argue that the current curriculum is too narrow and is out of touch. Almost all curriculum models emulate the academic goals of the nation, creating a “Race to the Top” mentality. Without the proper support, these students may fall behind or face high levels of stress. Modern curriculum models should give more weight to the fine arts and creativity, as those subjects are a springboard to other subjects.
Ultimately, we must build a consensus on the skills we need to be competitive in the workforce. If we don’t know what we need to know, we can’t develop good systems. It is time to stop focusing on IQ and test scores, and begin preparing students for careers that are truly desirable. Investing in early career preparation and holistic readiness will lead to increased return on investment and advocate for additional funding sources.
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The United States educational system has long been a global leader in education, and it continues to rise in popularity. The U.S. educational system is also free and accessible to all children. This system isn’t limited to the wealthy, but it is open to everyone. Those who can afford it have a leg up on their white peers. For example, the median household income for African American students is $19,504 compared to $46,881 for white students.
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